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Please get in touch!

I'd love to hear from you

Find me at any of these places: 

7 Binghill Rd, Milltimber

Aberdeenshire, AB13 0JA, UK

Or let me know a little about yourself before we chat by filling in my quick enquiry form


1.  Why do I need a consultation?

To make sure I’m the right coach for you and that we're compatible.


I want you to get the best out of your investment in working with a coach and I believe if you feel you can connect with me and feel able to have open and honest communication with me then you'll get the most out of your coaching.

It is completely free of charge and there's zero pressure to sign up.

2.  What do you expect from your clients?

Most importantly… Communication.


The more I know, the more I can help you. This is why it’s really important to me that I offer a non-judgmental space for my clients. I'm here for the highs, lows and everything in-between because I get that life is hectic. I’m here to help you navigate through your perfectly imperfect life whilst achieving your goals.


After that, all I ask is that you update all metrics in the app I use so I can make adjustments where needed to help you progress and move forwards in your coaching journey. 


To sum it up: It’s a 2 way process. The more you share with me, the more I can provide to support you.

3.  Why minimum 4 months?


You're not here for the quick fixes, right?


It takes time and effort to embed new habits, behaviours and learn new methods to help support long lasting results, which I know you're looking for.


4 months is the minimum that I ask you to commit to because, dependant on your input, you'll start to see the effects of the work you've done in this time.

4.  Can you switch services?

YES, definitely!


If you're local to the Aberdeen area and want in-person coaching first then move to online coaching that is totally ok, or the other way round.  

5.  Do I need to exercise everyday?

No, you don’t need to exercise every day to gain results. In fact, in most cases, I would recommend at least 1-2 days rest.


However, this doesn't mean you aren’t active at all on rest days; I recommend light, regular movement such as walking daily alongside your strength training for general health.

6.  How long are the strength training sessions?

Generally 30-60 mins per session, however they can be tailored to what you can fit in to your current lifestyle.


If you're working with me in person in the gym the sessions are 1 hour.

7.  Is your coaching suitable for pre & postnatal?

Yes, if you're working with me on a 1-2-1 basis.


I'll tailor your training to what stage you are in your pregnancy or postnatally.

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